The EU Is Leading The Way In The Metaverse And Web3

The European Union (EU) has already adopted a proactive stance towards emerging technologies, surrounding the metaverse, artificial intelligence (AI), and cryptos. With strategic foresight, the EU strives to take the lead in these revolutionary fields while also reducing the risk of Big Tech companies gaining overwhelming dominance. Interestingly, the EU is adopting these proactive measures… Continue reading The EU Is Leading The Way In The Metaverse And Web3

EU’s First NFT Vending Machine Coming To London Next Week

The advent of the nonfungible token (NFT) vending machines from MyNFT can be considered a major innovation in the Web 3.0 ecosystem. That is the case since it has the primary desire of bringing digital collectibles nearer to the average man. Bitcoin Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) might be an incredible wonder of the technology world.… Continue reading EU’s First NFT Vending Machine Coming To London Next Week